Spiritual Healing Foundations

This set of teachings can sit as the foundation for any type of service.


For those who know me, I am constantly learning and pivoting in life as I build new levels of understanding on past foundations. Regardless of the hat I was wearing, from teaching yoga trainings in India, to singing icaros for dieters in Peru, to Feng Shui consultations  - the foundation that this set of teachings provides, ALWAYS brings greater, discernment, skill and clarity.

For twenty years, hands down, it has proved

THE most useful of everything I have EVER learned.

Before we speak of the healing work, these lessons are a tool of powerful discernment - when you can scan energy with your hands you are suddenly given a new set of visionary and intuitive skills. As the hands develop you can use them to test the presence or absence of whatever it is you are inquiring about:

  • Does this teacher I am considering working with have a strong crown and third eye?

  • What is the prosperity energy of this home I am potentially moving into?

  • Is my solar plexus strong before giving this presentation?

  • Did the healing that I provided for someone land in the energy body or am I imaging my own magnificence?

  • Does this person I am electing have a strong crown and heart chakra?

  • Am I living with my energy centres open, or do I need to make some changes in certain areas of my life?

There have been so many times I could garner more information on potential choices. It is from this greater self-honesty and clarity that we can be of better service to others.

It is my pleasure to take you through 33 lessons self-paced lesson totalling 6.5 hours to give you:

  • Tools to assess health chakras and the energy body.

  • Effective grounding for yourself, clients and the space

  • Energetic techniques to open the spiritual cord to channel stronger frequencies of light.

  • In depth look at each of the major chakras and specialty ones that also will make your work more effective when addressed.

  • Skills to cleanse chakras to the roots and verify they are clean

  • Skills to bring chakras back to robust strength and seal in your work

  • Discussion on how to maintain energetic cleanliness for yourself and when working with clients.

  • Distance healing so you can confidently work with anyone from anywhere.

  • A foundation that will give you the tools to stay grounded and clear when presented with different techniques and different teachers. Meaning - do you get measurable results?


Online Course + 1 Hour Private Q and A with Safa to answer your questions:

$528 USD

in 1 or 3 payments over 3 months.*

*Q and A’s must be used within 6 months of course purchase.

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  • Testimonials of Safa's Teaching

    "I have had the blessing of learning from and working with Safa for over a decade, where I have witnessed her integrity and depth of spirit. As a facilitator Safa has the unique gift of being deeply knowledgable yet still relatable. As someone who embodies their teachings Safa is deeply trustworthy, a helping hand on the journey sharing her hard won experiences and understanding. From energy healing, feng shui to medicine retreats, what Safa offers cannot be measured or compared - the heart for teaching, healing, and helping others connect to their in a wisdom and unlimited potential. I couldn’t more highly recommend anyone who has the opportunity and call to work with Safa.”

    -April Kuramoto - MA-EEC

  • Testimonials of Safa's Teaching

    “Safa's training has been a game changer for me in supporting clients through 1:1 coaching, group work, plant medicine, and birth. I've already begun incorporating the methodologies into my work, specifically medicine retreats. This past weekend, I was able to clear my energy field in an efficient and liberating way and also work with several women during the ceremony. It's been so powerful to not only feel cords and stuck energy but to be able to clear it. I am seeing a significant impact in offering this energy work and I am only at the beginning! I am so grateful and know these principles will continue to support me and those I work with. Thank you dear Safa for walking your path and sharing this medicine. I love your generous spirit and joy as you teach, it feels good to receive.

    -Jenna Sezionale Basilicato Founder of Rooted Expansion a Holistic Healing Collective

  • Testimonial of Safa's Teaching

    “Studying with Safa was a giving treasure. I came to the work hungry for knowledge without any previous education in this work. In one week, Safa gave me a strong foundation of practice through the lineages and wisdom, integrating the practical with the conceptual, seemingly effortlessly. Though I understand it is the culmination of the vast years of study and implementation.

    After training with her, I witnessed the power of the application of this work. I have agency in my actions to provide care for for those around me instead of feeling the despair of pain I once perceived and felt no power to influence. I have found a new life thanks to this education and Safa’s masterful instruction, intuition and tremendous heartfelt presence.”

    -Dena Snyder