Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

May all beings be happy and may all beings be peaceful .

Introduction to Mantra

Join this free class where Safa discusses mantra chanting as a discipline and vehicle for self-realization. Explore the potential practice of taking on a short 40 day discipline or a year long commitment. Mantras can be used for worldly concerns such as restoring health, enhancing finances, removing obstacles or for returning home to the source of all as BEINGNESS. Safa gives suggestions on how to approach choosing your a mantra, Learn exactly how mantra cleans and empowers the subtle body, the technique of chanting and potential things you may encounter when taking on a mantra commitment. Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha - may all obstacles to your practice be dissolved.

To be added to the private Facebook support group please contact Safa directly.

Healing Mantras Resource Book

You can purchase this book by Thomas Ashley Ferrand from Amazon or Sounds True.

List of Mantras PDF

List of common mantras that can be used for healing with a list of tradition, associated deity and benefits.

Audio Mantras

Example of mantras through sound exploration. You can also explore Devas other healing mantra CDS on Amazon or Spotify.

Malas from Canada

For those in Canada looking for a mala my friend Beverly sells them is open to customer orders.

Tibetan Treasures

This is the online company I mention in the class that have a collection of Tibetan Buddhist items.

Thomas Ashley-Ferrand Resources

Before Thomas passed away in 2010 he wrote a collection of great mantra books.

Special offer to those taking the mantra course. You can use a one time code to save 20% off a one hour energy alignment session or teaching call with me. Discount code is applied at checkout.

Use the code: MANTRA20