Join Safa for a powerful meditation that helps us to reconnect to our higher guidance in turbulent and confusing times. While you are performing the meditation Safa will perform additional energetic cleansing to all participants as this video has been programmed to bless all who watch it.
We will do the 35 minute meditation with Master Stephen Co from the global Pranic Healing school. Safa has been a student of Master Co since 2005.
He first takes you through deep energetic cleansing of the chakras and the auras. He then guides you through an intense and loving meditation to Experience Oneness with your Higher Self then Ascend to Cosmic Spiritual Heights to Become One with the Solar Logos and ultimately One with God and One with All! Many have experienced Oneness with the Cosmos during this powerful meditation!
Create a Sacred Inner Spiritual Space with this meditation!
Some of the experiences in using this mantra:
~ Experience almost instantaneous stillness!
~ Feeling of Going Home and being One with All!
~ Expansion of Consciousness